The average course load is about 15-18 credits per semester. Students should maintain a normal load of engineering-related courses as specified on their program sheet. The minimum load per semester is 12 credits and the maximum is 20 credits. Special permission from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs is required for course loads outside these limits.
Students are not allowed to register for any course without the proper prerequisites, unless approval is received from the instructor and their advisor. A chart of prerequisites for the Civil and Environmental (CEE) program can be found on page 14 of the Civil Engineering Handbook.
All CEE courses, including all department and technical electives, must be taken at Rutgers for the first time. Students who fail a CEE course may repeat it elsewhere. Permission to take the course outside Rutgers must be obtained from the faculty advisor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. Authorization forms are available in room EN B-100
180:243 Mechanics of Solids, 440:222 Dynamics, and 640:244 Differential Equations are prerequisite courses for many courses in the junior year. Make certain to complete these courses before the Fall semester of your junior year.
Seniors must carefully review their progress towards the CEE degree. It is important that the student review his/her academic record to ensure that they have completed the necessary classes required for graduation. The student is urged to obtain a complete transcript from the Registrar and check the curriculum sheet against it to find out what courses remain to satisfy the degree requirements. Students should also check Degree Navigator. The Office of Academic Affairs, in B-100 of the Engineering Building is available for assistance with regard to degree audit.
Seniors with GPA of 3.0 or higher may enroll in the graduate level courses with permission of the instructor, civil and environmental engineering graduate director.