Efthymios Nikolopoulos

Research Interests
• Monitoring and modeling of hydroclimatic extremes (extreme precipitation, floods, droughts)
• Flood forecasting
• Prediction of hydrogeomorphic hazards (landslides, debris flows)
• Climate change impacts
• Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, 2013
• Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award, 2010
• NASA Earth System Science Graduate Fellowship, 2007
Professional Affiliations
• American Water Resources Association
• American Geophysical Union
• European Geosciences Union
• International Precipitation Working Group
• Chi-Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society
• Marie Curie Alumni Association
• Ph.D., Civil & Environmental Engineering; University of Connecticut, 2010
• M.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering; University of Iowa, 2004
• Eng. Diploma, Environmental Engineering; Technical University of Crete, Greece, 2002
Dr. Nikolopoulos’s research focuses on the modeling and monitoring of hydrometeorological and hydrological extremes such as floods and droughts. His main research goal is to improve the understanding and predictability of hydrological extremes and develop methods to mitigate their environmental and socioeconomic impacts. He has authored/co-authored more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and 8 book chapters in the areas of hydrometeorology, remote sensing of precipitation, flood hydrology and landslide/debris flow prediction. His research has been sponsored by federal (NSF, NASA, NOAA) and state agencies as well as NGO and the industry. He has been a member of the NASA Science Team for the “High Mountain Asia” and “SERVIR” program.